Distributed Resource Management Application API

This guide is a tutorial for getting started programming with DRMAA. It is basically a one to one translation of the original in C for Grid Engine. It assumes that you already know what DRMAA is and that you have drmaa-python installed. If not, have a look at Installing. The following code segments are also included in the repository.

Starting and Stopping a Session

The following code segments (example1.py and example1.1.py) shows the most basic DRMAA python binding program.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa

def main():
   """Create a drmaa session and exit"""
   with drmaa.Session() as s:
      print('A session was started successfully')

if __name__=='__main__':

The first thing to notice is that every call to a DRMAA function will return an error code. In this tutorial, we ignore all error codes.

Now let’s look at the functions being called. First, on line 7, we initialise a Session object by calling DRMAA.Session(). The Session is automatically initialized via initialize(), and it creates a session and starts an event client listener thread. The session is used for organizing jobs submitted through DRMAA, and the thread is used to receive updates from the queue master about the state of jobs and the system in general. Once initialize() has been called successfully, it is the responsibility of the calling application to also call exit() before terminating. If an application does not call exit() before terminating, session state may be left behind in the user’s home directory, and the queue master may be left with a dead event client handle, which can decrease queue master performance.

At the end of our program, on line 9, we call exit(). exit() cleans up the session and stops the event client listener thread. Most other DRMAA functions must be called before exit(). Some functions, like getContact(), can be called after exit(), but these functions only provide general information. Any function that does work, such as runJob() or wait() must be called before exit() is called. If such a function is called after exit() is called, it will return an error.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa

def main():
    """Create a session, show that each session has an id,
    use session id to disconnect, then reconnect. Then exit"""
    s = drmaa.Session()
    print('A session was started successfully')
    response = s.contact
    print('session contact returns: %s' % response)
    print('Exited from session')

    print('Session was restarted successfullly')

if __name__=='__main__':

This example is very similar to Example 1. The difference is that it uses the Grid Engine feature of reconnectable sessions. The DRMAA concept of a session is translated into a session tag in the Grid Engine job structure. That means that every job knows to which session it belongs. With reconnectable sessions, it’s possible to initialize the DRMAA library to a previous session, allowing the library access to that session’s job list. The only limitation, though, is that jobs which end between the calls to exit() and init() will be lost, as the reconnecting session will no longer see these jobs, and so won’t know about them.

Through line 9, this example is very similar to Example 1. On line 10, however, we use the contact attribute to get the contact information for this session. On line 12 we then exit the session. On line 15, we use the stored contact information to reconnect to the previous session. Had we submitted jobs before calling exit(), those jobs would now be available again for operations such as wait() and synchronize(). Finally, on line 17 we exit the session a second time.

Running a Job

The following code segment (example2.py and example2.1.py) shows how to use the DRMAA python binding to submit a job to Grid Engine. It submits a small shell script (sleeper.sh) which takes two arguments:

echo "Hello world, the answer is $1"
sleep 3s
echo "$2 Bye world!"
#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa
import os

def main():
   """Submit a job.
   Note, need file called sleeper.sh in current directory.
   with drmaa.Session() as s:
       print('Creating job template')
       jt = s.createJobTemplate()
       jt.remoteCommand = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sleeper.sh')
       jt.args = ['42', 'Simon says:']

       jobid = s.runJob(jt)
       print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % jobid)

       print('Cleaning up')

if __name__=='__main__':

The beginning and end of this program are the same as the previous one. What’s different is in lines 13-23. On line 13 we ask DRMAA to allocate a job template for us. A job template is a structure used to store information about a job to be submitted. The same template can be reused for multiple calls to runJob() or runBulkJob().

On line 14 we set the REMOTE_COMMAND attribute. This attribute tells DRMAA where to find the program we want to run. Its value is the path to the executable. The path be be either relative or absolute. If relative, it is relative to the WD attribute, which if not set defaults to the user’s home directory. For more information on DRMAA attributes, please see the attributes man page. Note that for this program to work, the script “sleeper.sh” must be in the current directory.

On line 15 we set the V_ARGV attribute. This attribute tells DRMAA what arguments to pass to the executable. For more information on DRMAA attributes, please see the attributes man page.

On line 18 we submit the job with runJob(). DRMAA will place the id assigned to the job into the character array we passed to runJob(). The job is now running as though submitted by qsub or bsub. At this point calling exit() and/or terminating the program will have no effect on the job.

To clean things up, we delete the job template on line 22. This frees the memory DRMAA set aside for the job template, but has no effect on submitted jobs. Finally, on line 23, we call exit().

If instead of a single job we had wanted to submit an array job, we could have replaced the else on line 18 and 19 with the following:

jobid = s.runBulkJobs(jt, 1, 30, 2)
print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % jobid)

This code segment submits an array job with 15 tasks numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. An important difference to note is that runBulkJobs() returns the job ids in an array. On line 19, we print all the job ids.

Waiting for a Job

Now we’re going to extend our example to include waiting for a job to finish (example3.py, example3.1.py and example3.2.py).

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa
import os

def main():
    """Submit a job and wait for it to finish.
    Note, need file called sleeper.sh in home directory.
    with drmaa.Session() as s:
        print('Creating job template')
        jt = s.createJobTemplate()
        jt.remoteCommand = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sleeper.sh')
        jt.args = ['42', 'Simon says:']
        jt.joinFiles = True

        jobid = s.runJob(jt)
        print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % jobid)

        retval = s.wait(jobid, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER)
        print('Job: {0} finished with status {1}'.format(retval.jobId, retval.hasExited))

        print('Cleaning up')

if __name__=='__main__':

This example is very similar to Example 2 except for line 21. On line 21 we call wait() to wait for the job to end. We have to give wait() both the id of the job for which we want to wait and a place to write the id of the job for which we actually waited because the job id we pass in could be JOB_IDS_SESSION_ANY, in which case wait() must have a way of tell us which job is the one that made it return. We also have to pass to wait() how long we are willing to wait for the job to finish. This could be a number of seconds, or it could be either TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER or TIMEOUT_NO_WAIT. Lastly, we collect the exit status. Assuming the wait worked, we query the job’s exit status on line 22.

An alternative to wait() when working with multiple jobs, such as jobs submitted by runBulkJobs() or multiple calls to runJob() is synchronize(). synchronize() waits for a set of jobs to finish. To use synchronize(), we could replace lines 18-22 with the following:

joblist = s.runBulkJobs(jt, 1, 30, 2)
print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % joblist)

s.synchronize(joblist, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER, True)

Line 18 now call runBulkJobs() so that we have several jobs for which to wait. On line 21, instead of calling wait(), we call synchronize(). synchronize() takes only three interesting parameters. The first is the list of ids for which to wait. This list must be a NULL-terminated array of strings. If the special id, JOB_IDS_SESSION_ALL, appears in the array, synchronize() will wait for all jobs submitted via DRMAA during this session, i.e. since initialize() was called. The second is how long to wait for all the jobs in the list to finish. This is the same as the timeout parameter for wait(). The third is whether this call to synchronize() should clean up after the job. After a job completes, it leaves behind accounting information, such as exist status and usage, until either wait() or synchronize() with dispose set to true is called. It is the responsibility of the application to make sure one of these two functions is called for every job. Not doing so creates a memory leak. Note that calling synchronize() with dispose set to true flushes all accounting information for all jobs in the list. If you want to use synchronize() and still recover the accounting information, set dispose to false and call wait() for each job. To do this in Example 3, we would replace lines 18–22 with the following:

joblist = s.runBulkJobs(jt, 1, 30, 2)
print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % joblist)

s.synchronize(joblist, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER, False)
for curjob in joblist:
    print('Collecting job ' + curjob)
    retval = s.wait(curjob, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER)
    print('Job: {0} finished with status {1}'.format(retval.jobId,

What’s different is that on line 22 we set dispose to false, and then on lines 23-26 we wait once for each job, printing the exit status and usage information as we did in Example 3.

We pass joblist to synchronise to wait for each job specifically. Otherwise, the wait() could end up waiting for a job submitted after the call to synchronize().

Controlling a Job

Now let’s look at an example of how to control a job from DRMAA (example4.py):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa
import os

def main():
    """Submit a job, then kill it.
    Note, need file called sleeper.sh in home directory.
    with drmaa.Session() as s:
        print('Creating job template')
        jt = s.createJobTemplate()
        jt.remoteCommand = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sleeper.sh')
        jt.args = ['42', 'Simon says:']
        jt.joinFiles = True

        jobid = s.runJob(jt)
        print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % jobid)
        s.control(jobid, drmaa.JobControlAction.TERMINATE)

        print('Cleaning up')

if __name__=='__main__':

This example is very similar to Example 2 except for line 21. On line 21 we use control() to delete the job we just submitted. Aside from deleting the job, we could have also used control() to suspend, resume, hold, or release it. For more information, see the control man page.

Note that control() can be used to control jobs not submitted through DRMAA. Any valid SGE job id could be passed to control() as the id of the job to delete.

Getting Job Status

Here’s an example of using DRMAA to query the status of a job (example5.py):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa
import time
import os

def main():
    """Submit a job, and check its progress.
    Note, need file called sleeper.sh in home directory.
    with drmaa.Session() as s:
        print('Creating job template')
        jt = s.createJobTemplate()
        jt.remoteCommand = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sleeper.sh')
        jt.args = ['42', 'Simon says:']

        jobid = s.runJob(jt)
        print('Your job has been submitted with id %s' % jobid)

        # Who needs a case statement when you have dictionaries?
        decodestatus = {drmaa.JobState.UNDETERMINED: 'process status cannot be determined',
                        drmaa.JobState.QUEUED_ACTIVE: 'job is queued and active',
                        drmaa.JobState.SYSTEM_ON_HOLD: 'job is queued and in system hold',
                        drmaa.JobState.USER_ON_HOLD: 'job is queued and in user hold',
                        drmaa.JobState.USER_SYSTEM_ON_HOLD: 'job is queued and in user and system hold',
                        drmaa.JobState.RUNNING: 'job is running',
                        drmaa.JobState.SYSTEM_SUSPENDED: 'job is system suspended',
                        drmaa.JobState.USER_SUSPENDED: 'job is user suspended',
                        drmaa.JobState.DONE: 'job finished normally',
                        drmaa.JobState.FAILED: 'job finished, but failed'}

        for ix in range(10):
            print('Checking %s of 10 times' % ix)
            print decodestatus(s.jobStatus(jobid))

        print('Cleaning up')

if __name__=='__main__':

Again, this example is very similar to Example 2, this time with the exception of lines 22-40. On line 38, we use jobStatus() to get the status of the job. Line 43 determine what the job status is and report it.

Getting DRM information

Lastly, let’s look at how to query the DRMAA library for information about the DRMS and the DRMAA implementation itself (example6.py):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa

def main():
    """Query the system."""
    with drmaa.Session() as s:
        print('A DRMAA object was created')
        print('Supported contact strings: %s' % s.contact)
        print('Supported DRM systems: %s' % s.drmsInfo)
        print('Supported DRMAA implementations: %s' % s.drmaaImplementation)
        print('Version %s' % s.version)


if __name__=='__main__':

On line 9, we get the contact string list. This is the list of contact strings that will be understood by this DRMAA instance. Normally on of these strings is used to select to which DRM this DRMAA instance should be bound. On line 10, we get the list of supported DRM systems. On line 11, we get the list of supported DRMAA implementations. On line 12, we get the version number of the DRMAA C binding specification supported by this DRMAA implementation. Finally, on line 15, we end the session with exit().

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